Sunday, July 6, 2014

What Keeps You Up at Night?

After chores, I’ll lay on the couch looking at the ceiling acutely aware that we’re caged by our circumstances. In the 70’s the saying was "think outside the box". Think differently. Get a new perspective. Go beyond your boundaries or comfort zone. I know we are what we think and that our thoughts precede action.

My intellectual challenge was to connect random facts, acts and events to form continuous lines that define larger patterns. Life is a puzzle. Never comes with a manual. We must figure it out. It’s never easy lifting that mental pencil to find connections. But I’ve practiced it enough times that it has become my super power. Do it enough times and pictures come together automatically. However, making these connections my whole life has also lead to bad thought habits that are impossible to break. And so I realized that many of my perceived difficulties and problems reside inside an imagined boundary that I’ve believed are impossible to overcome. Voila. The heart of the matter is that we confine ourselves to vague barriers that we believe we can’t overcome.

In Old Testament times, there was a King who plunged the nation into hard times. People lost hope when King Ahab was done killing all of God’s servants. He thought he got rid of all of them until God spoke. The prophet Elisha ordered the child of a prophet to go anoint another as King. See sometimes, when we think all is lost, God sends a child to do his work. It’s that easy for Him. Elisha told the boy, go and take the box of oil, and pour it on Jehu’s head, and say, Thus saith the LORD, I have anointed thee king over Israel. Then open the door, and flee, and tarry not.

The boy went and found Jehu, a captain in King Ahab’s army, and pulled him aside privately. He pulled out the box and broke it open to release the oil over him. The anointing positioned and empowered Jehu for his job. Telling you to "think outside the box" does not set you free. You must break the box of self-criticism, fear and defeat. Break the box to step into God’s plans for your life.  If you think all is lost, then look for the child – an event, circumstance or angel sent into your life who will break the box and deliver God’s anointing over you to position you for success.