Saturday, March 22, 2014

David and Goliath

Tossed bunny slippers across the room in a heap
Early morning, sweaty toes, 70 degree heat makes my feet itch
Tired of greeting cows, saying How now, black and white cow?
They stare mindlessly, Ignoring me
Grass prickles the soles of my feet
White blinding light - Memories

And that's all the poetry I can write. A local kid ran past me along the opposite side of the fence that day and threw something at my head. I don't get this Dominican habit. Wth gives? I heard a loud crack, a white flash and got a throbbing pain. Realized he hit me with a rock. Jumping the fence, I chased the little mother down a dirt road. Screaming, he ran hard. I gasped for breath. Had to stop. I'm out of shape. Promised God I wouldn't curse. I'm trying hard to curb my tongue. My temper, that's another story.

Fond memories of DR. God made them that way. Rock slingers. Back in NYC, out of work, I'm a wimp. Fat rock slinging, DR business is a quick road to jail hell because I will kill somebody if they slam me with another rock. My friend's friend went to the Capital for Christmas. New Years Eve, 2014. Jumped in a cab with family at the Malecon. A boulder smashed their windshield. Almost killed the driver. Talk about terrorism. A second missile cracked the passenger side, splitting the teens head, her niece. Emergency room floor straddled with burn, gun shot victims. A man with an eye gouged warned, leave this place! She ran to the airport. Security dressed like Ninja Turtles wrestled her into a waiting room to calm her screams. Staring at them, she screamed louder.

I ask God to help me stop planning revenge on that kid. I want to go back to DR, dressed like a ninja with nunchucks and valiantly fight his stone weaponry. But not to the death because I want to help save the world and tell people about Jesus. Also I'm scared of dying. Jesus' trip here was like mine to DR. Rough ride. Nah. It was way, way worse. One day they're fanning him with palm leaves, and the next they're cracking his back open. He didn't dream of fighting back or chasing them down dirt roads. That's why Jesus is my hero.

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