Tuesday, March 25, 2014

To Pay or Not to Pay

Robert Frost says working faithfully eight hours a day may get you to be boss and then you'll work twelve hours a day. But he doesn't mention work place drama. Like, you people need to play nice, and not steal each other's chairs. Last month on the job, I took a break and my chair vanished. Then I noticed it under someone's behind and screamed, "she done stole my chair!" But no one did anything. So I considered pulling it out from under her. I could see her hitting the floor hard. Piles of papers flying everywhere.

Yanking my chair out would have lead to the inevitable chase out the building and around Bryant Park. There I would have gone Ninja stealth on her - standing very still like my guinea pig so she can't see me. Having your chair pulled out from under you is like having a rug pulled from under your feet. That trauma causes a kind of PSTD where you refuse to sit in a chair for days until somebody has to say its ok.

Joyce Meyer says, we can be good at focusing on life's "big" decisions only to be defeated by the small ones. A small bad decision is like a midget that comes from behind and kicks you in the neck. You fall flat on your face and then nobody believes you when you say a midget did it. So regarding my chair, I decided to pray. Prayer changes things. Unforgiveness burns trees and causes indigestion. So I asked God for patience and let her keep it. A manager who heard my talk on stolen chairs - wheeled in a boss' chair - his gift to me. I learned it's the little choices we make that count. Make enough bad choices and an army of midgets will carry you to monkey hell where you will spend eternity getting choked and dropped kicked. And then imagine a world overrun by people paying forward all of our bad choices. Not good. Here's more: http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-lords-great-gift-the-power-to-choose-116440/

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