Thursday, May 1, 2014

Foxes and Sinkholes

So with advances in technology comes the Dark Sith. Lord Illegit Surveillance. Used for cyber thefts that bleed us dry, security is a necessary response. Verizon’s annual data breach investigation 2014 tells us there were 1,367 data breaches and 63,000 security incidents in 95 countries. Hackers make up 60% of cyber criminals and 25% are intellectual property spies. Hacked credentials was the primary source of cyber-crimes such as Target and the Heartbleed vulnerability, a security bug/defect that compromised user authentication in online communications when sharing passwords, emails, etc.

Infoworld says what’s different last year is that hacks were discovered by employees instead of the Feds or customers. Means we’re finally looking for fingerprints in our own computer event logs - our PCs/Macs monitor and record everything. ATMurglars used card skimmers to skim our wallets big time stealing card data and pin numbers everywhere. So watch that swipe. Although dirty deeds are discovered months later after the fact, they are found by the simple act of watching.

The Book of Songs by Solomon, king of Israel, composed between 971 and 931 BC warns us of foxes, a breed known to borough in holes, who are extremely cunning. He says they destroy our work. I don’t think Solomon knew he would be addressing modern day hackers, but this application works. He orders us to take these foxes, and cast them out. They may seem small, but the spread and damage is great. Foxes can also be anything that distresses your life- frenemies, bad habits, corrupt systems. By all means stop, look and listen for the sound of foxes. They’re all around us. The sooner you catch them, the better.

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