Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fifth Word

                                                                              "I thirst."

Sour wine or was it Posca? The latter a drink for the common, vinegar wine, water and eggs. A strong drink for Him who is ready for death. Wine to dull the pain or prolong it. Gall, the essence of Myrrh. Bitter to the taste, invoking the bitter cup of God's Wrath. Offered on a sopping sponge, extended on a hyssop branch to God's son. A Bitter start. Three wise men bearing gifts. Gold. Frankincense. Myrrh. Rare gifts to worship the Divine King. Myrrh, the spice for his death.

Bitter Aromatics - minty too, used in purification rites. Beautiful purple blue Hyssop blooms - Lavender for Royalty, Blue for Love. Strong woody stalks to help soothe the dryness of his throat. He has yet two more words to speak, this King of Kings. Two feet long, the same hyssop branch dipped in Passover blood, applied to lintels and doorposts during Ramses reign. Used to cleanse lepers, now applied to our hearts. Same stalk King David longs for to wash his sins white as snow for breaking commandments. So, mourns the man after God's heart from a far away Past to Calvary's Present.

The blood of the Passover lamb delivered firstborns from death. On the cross, the Lamb of God sheds His blood to save us.

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