Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Second Word

Paradise ~ happiness Peace joy Contentment Rest delight Pleasure

Paradeos, in Arabic and Persian means garden, a vineyard, a place for the blessed - in Hebrew - ganan. A place of protection where you are fenced in. Sheltered from the hardships of life. Delivered from eternal death. Persian dictionary: a place made by God, out of light. A fenced place,sweet with fragrant spices Carcom, saffron, Spikenard, and calamus. Filled with trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, All the chief spices. Light scents of cinnamon and hennah. Fragranced grassy plains swirling with scents from orchards of fair fruit and flowers. Groves of cypress trees, full of clusters of berries, fruits with cypress blooms. Our garden, orchards of pomegranates. Our destiny, Pleasant and delightful, a sweet smell, rare and excellent.

"I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

Eden's Paradise, man in the presence of God. Paradise at death, restored to the Most High. In our radiant form, his gift to us, his glory for ours. A criminal crucified -who by faith, Christ forgives. Yeshua our Salvation. In him we find paradise.

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