Friday, April 25, 2014

Sunscreen for the Soul

Sometimes family feels like you're wearing pants with an extra leg. It is a strange, and sometimes odd thing. It can be an ecclectic mix mash of sub-cultures, garage mixes, trends or not. In my world, I find it at work, a playground full of power players mastering and dismantling office politics. At home, it's a boys revolution of sorts- a pride of lions staking personal property in the altered landscape of divorce and failed ambitions. Personal wars leveraged at times against the dog desperately scurrying across the room between jumping jacks and through a tsunami of socks, Tshirts and towels when its laundry time - full of tight-fitting, outgrown arguments that are never settled, just buried away for another day to surge and form the American collective consciousness.

But here's something. At home, a long bitter feud ended with 3 words.

I forgive you.

Misdirected anger. Harsh words. Effects that linger a lifetime.

Choosing the well being of others over your own? Forgiveness is a fossilized concept, but here are the benefits. The emotion behind the action of forgiveness is love. Love covers - hinders the knowledge of a thing. It slows and prevents the damage of injuries we experience on a daily basis, whether intentional or not. So think of forgiveness like medicine for your soul. It is life insurance with health benefits. "And above all things have love among yourselves: for love covers the multitude of sins." Try it, you might like it.

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