Monday, April 7, 2014

First Word

Humiliation, ignorance, Torture, forgiveness, earnestness, Grace
Nailed to a stake. He pardons our sins.
Yeshua - the manifestation of God in human shape. Born to die.

With you and me in mind.
Sinews, bone fragments shatter on a cross.

Blood flows from open wounds, iron tears wide, Reconciling humanity.

From trembling lips, he gasps. A cry - positioned in our well deserved place.
"My Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Ancient manuscripts - first of seven from the cross

spoken early in the awful scene,

Nails driven, driven, driven into Hands that healed, embraced and rose the dead

And Feet that walked far seeking the lost. To set the captives free

Sublime consciousness. He who speaks

Hangs beside two thieves. A High Priest - Christ utters his first plea

Not in self defense. But for you. And for me.

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