Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Double Trouble with Double Speak

Here's something to think about. Stop to really listen to conversations going on around you. Most people talk double speak. They say one thing but mean another. Like for instance, "You don't need a skin care regimen." Really means they want to see your cheeks fall off your face and crows feet run marathons on your eyes before you take care of yourself.

"How's the rice?" Means there's only one right answer - good, if you want to eat.

"How do you feel about sitting at this desk?" Means open your mouth and you're fired.

"So what do you think of my friend's sexuality?" Means you will get punched in the face. Never answer this question.

"What did you say!" Means say it one more time and I'll kill you.

"Get out of my house." Means please sit down and shut up.

So context, individuals, languages and cultures all play a major part on what people are really saying. Now, if you're in the habit of calling on "God!" when you're having one of those days, and you're good with him, He's listening and says, "I will answer". This double speak means he's paying such close attention that he's going to respond as a witness and create the answer to your situation. Cause God can do things like that. Now that's something to tweet about.



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